Underwriting Opportunities

There are many opportunities for you to show your support of the Syracuse Chapter of the AGO. Below are just a few.

1) The Poister Competition: Each year, the Syracuse Chapter holds an annual scholarship competition in organ performance in honor of Dr. Arthur Poister. Running the competition (including awarding prizes) is a costly affair.

2) Greg Keefe Memorial Organ Scholar: Starting in 2014, the chapter will be sponsoring organ lessons for an interested high school student. Your support with this project can ensure that this student will continue to enjoy lessons for as long as he or she wishes.

3) Famous Artists Concert Series: This is a program in the making. We would like to bring in a nationally renowned artist at least once a year. To do so, we need the support of our chapter members and friends to cover artist fees and expenses. 


    Syracuse area pipe organ news, events and job postings